Important: Use Our Dedicated Account for Online Orders
08 Jun 2023
When placing an online order with La Vita Living Products, please make sure to use our dedicated bank account specifically set up for online order payments. This account ensures that your payment is correctly tracked and processed without delay. Using other accounts can lead to processing issues and unnecessary delays, so we kindly ask that all online payments be made to the account provided below.
Our dedicated online order banking details are as follows:
- Account Name: LA VITA ONLINE
- Bank: Nedbank
- Account No: 117 160 0097
- Branch Code: 198 765
By making payments to this designated account, you help us maintain a smooth order process and ensure that your products are delivered as promptly as possible. We thank you for your cooperation in using the correct account details when completing your online orders.
If you have any questions about payment details or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our customer support team on 010 880 3539, Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 4 PM. We’re here to help make your ordering experience easy and efficient.